The Musto Group specializes in selling homes quickly and for top dollar as well as finding homes for buyers that they can’t find on the Internet. With over 10,000 buyers in our database looking for homes, there is a good chance we already have a buyer. Our average contract time is only 17 days and The Musto Group’s listings sell for 4% more than the average Tampa Bay area home listed by less experienced real estate agents. The Musto Group offers our sellers 7 exclusive guarantees and If we don't sell your home for a price that acceptable to you, we will buy it! No other agents or brokers make all of these guarantees.
For our VIP Buyers, we use sophisticated marketing methods to find off-market homes such as pocket listings, unclaimed homes, private sale, foreclosures, bank owned homes, for sale by owner as well as homes owned by potential sellers who are only thinking of selling but have not moved forward yet. And our VIP Buyer Program provides our buyers with 6 additional exclusive benefits.
Call Glenn NOW at 813-610-4684 to learn about our proven & unique marketing methods, benefits and guarantees and start packing!